KEVIN EASTWOODBC Green Party CandidateBOUNDARY-SIMILKAMEEN KEVIN EASTWOOD SAYS:Thank you for the opportunity to respond. 1a. Small business cant thrive if…
KEVIN EASTWOODBC Green Party CandidateBOUNDARY-SIMILKAMEEN KEVIN EASTWOOD SAYS:Thank you for the opportunity to respond. 1a. Small business cant thrive if…
BC ELECTIONSALL CANDIDATES’ QUESTIONS FOR BOUNDARY SIMILKAMEEN 2024 After putting a call out to Membership and the local business community…
ROLY RUSSELLBC NDP CandidateBOUNDARY-SIMILKAMEEN ROLY RUSSELL SAYS: I know that working together with our local Chamber of Commerce, municipalities, tourism…
DONEGAL WILSONBC Conservative Party CandidateBOUNDARY-SIMILKAMEEN DONEGAL WILSON SAYS:A big thank you to you and the entire South Okanagan Chamber team…
It’s been a difficult year for many small businesses, with the pandemic proving to be a financial crisis as well…
We had our first Chamber Networking Night in 18 months! So great to co-host our Chamber Networking Night on the…
We owe a big THANK YOU to long time Chamber Members Poul and Ulla Pedersen from the Osoyoos Desert Model…
As we continue to invite you to get connected with us and 'Take a Closer Look at Your Chamber' we are happy…
Now that you have got your office desk set up correctly it is time to look at some other ideas to help…
Chambers have been around for a VERY long time – we have had chambers in our South Okanagan area for 70…