You guys, we cannot stop watching home hack reels on IG. We have a problem…
It was tough to narrow down, but we’re sharing these 3 with you in case you didn’t know…
1) Reuse Amazon poly bags to ship packages or send returns by flipping them inside out. The closing strip will still be sticky, and you won’t spend a dime on packaging supplies.
2) Use a silicone baking sheet to line your drawers and shelves. It keeps things organized and prevents small items from slipping and sliding around.
3) Use a dry-erase marker to note on the lid which items should not go into the dryer when you put a load of clothes in the wash. The finish on most washing machine lids is similar to a whiteboard, and dry-erase markers can be removed easily with a dry paper towel.
Are you as addicted as we are? What is your favorite home hack for cleaning and home org? Drop it in the comments!
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