We’ve heard our fair share of misconceptions about real estate over the years. Here are a few we hear on repeat and our thoughts to go with!
Misconception #1: Agents only care about making a sale.
We can tell you that’s not true! Sure, sales are important, but our top priority is making sure our clients are happy and satisfied with their buying or selling experience. Trust and relationships are key in this industry.
Misconception #2: Agents just show houses.
While touring homes is our favorite part of the job, it’s not the only thing we do. We also handle contracts, negotiations, and the legalities of the transaction. It’s a complex process, and we’re always here to guide our clients every step of the way.
Misconception #3: Agents are expensive.
Realtors are paid on a commission basis. That means we only get paid when the sale is complete. Not to mention we make sure my clients get the best deal when buying and top-dollar when selling.
Misconception #4: Agents only work with wealthy clients.
Not true at all! There is no limit to the types of clients we work with – and we make every effort to find every client the best home at the best price.]
Do you have other questions about what it looks like to hire an agent to buy or sell your home? We’d love to meet for coffee and answer your questions, no strings attached. Just drop us a DM, and we’ll be in touch!
“Bringing You Home to the Good Life”
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