
Home Reset: Get Organized Before the New Year

After all it does for you, your home deserves some TLC before the new year.

The good news is you don’t have to do it all at once. You can take it one drawer, cabinet, or closet at a time. 

1) Before the holidays and the onslaught of gifts, go through old toys your kids don’t play with and haul them off to a local thrift store or charity.

2) Pick one drawer or closet every day, set your phone timer for 15 minutes, and see how far you can get. It’s incredible how much stuff can accumulate in those hidden spaces! Toss & donate old magazines, manuals, electronics, clothes you no longer wear, and expired meds.

3) In the kitchen? Clear out dishes you don’t use. How many sets do you need? A general rule of thumb is to take the number of people in your house and double it. Also, take a peek in your fridge and pantry and bid farewell to those forgotten items lurking in the back.

4) Don’t forget about unused home decor. If it’s been collecting dust, it’s time to pass it on or sell it online. 

5) Tackle all your storage areas, from the basement to the attic. Use labels and bins to keep everything in its place.

If you need support as you tackle your home, Habit & Kin or Voila are fantastic home organizing companies in Penticton. Send either of them a message with your home org needs — and if you have any real estate questions or need advice, we’re here to help!

“Bringing You Home to the Good Life”⁠

Morrison Bifford Real Estate Group
Royal LePage Locations West Realty

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